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Models Suggestion
  • 1You may voluntarily choose whether to register as members of this website. If you choose to register in this website, all the personal information provided by you to this website will be legally used by GAC MOTOR. However, you should clearly understand and acknowledge that the safety of data transmission on the internet is not 100% guaranteed. And this website can not completely ensue or guarantee the safety of the information which you provide to this website or transmit through this website. Therefore, whiling using our website, you shall be responsible for the safety of the information transmitted by yourself. But GAC MOTOR will take any possible measures to protect the privacy of your personal information.
  • 2You shall not use or disseminate any material or information with virus or involving illegal or uncivilized contents. If you want to submit any material or input any information to this website by email or through webpage of this website, you shall ensure: (a) such material or information does not include anything illegal or unfit to release; (b) before submitting the material or inputting the information, you have already take reasonable measures to guarantee the material submitted by or the information input by you does not include virus or any other infective or destructive elements; (c) you unconditionally agree GAC MOTOR or its affiliates to reasonably use such material submitted or information input by you; (e) you also agree that GAC MOTOR shall not be responsible for any dispute or suit brought by any third party due to the material submitted or information inputted by you and you will compensate GAC MOTOR for any loss incurred to GAC MOTOR thereof.
  • 3GAC MOTOR shall be entitled but not obligated to supervise, check or revise the information inputted by you to this website.
  • 4GAC MOTOR retains the right to share your personal information with its affiliates or subsidiaries. In the meantime, GAC MOTOR guarantees not to sell or disclose your personal information to any third party, except to provide in accordance with law or orders of governments.
  • 5In the event that any personal information is disclosed due to the user intentionally or negligently informs the others of its personal password or share registered account with others, GAC MOTOR shall not be responsible.
  • 6GAC MOTOR is not responsible for the disclosure, lost, misappropriate or falsification etc. of the personal information which are caused by events of force majeure, such as hacker attacks, viral invasion, damages to the hardware facilities and government restrictions and so on.
  • 7GAC MOTOR shall not be responsible for the inconvenience and loss of the users during suspension of service which is caused by failures of circuits and hardware, system maintenance and upgrade and other force majeure.
  • 8This website does not intent to collect any personal information from minors not older than 16 and will not disclose the information of any minor to any third party. So the parents shall supervise and be responsible for their children to use personal information on internet. GAC MOTOR shall not be responsible for the misappropriate of the information of the minors which are voluntarily provided or disclosed by the minors through bulletin board or similar forms.